ChatGPT: 10 ways to boost your productivity with AI assistance

ChatGPT: 10 ways to boost your productivity with AI assistance

Posted on 03 Oct 20236 min read

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With the advent of machine learning technologies, developers have created a variety of AI tools designed to assist us in many fields, and to improve our productivity and efficiency.

These tools offer a variety of features and functions such as automation, ideas production, simplification, communication, and much more.

In this post we will focus on a text-based AI assistant called Chat GPT. We will see how to improve our productivity using this amazing tool in 10 ways.

What is Chat GPT?

To answer this hard question :) I asked Chat GPT to introduce itself, and its answer was:

Hello! I'm ChatGPT, a language model created by OpenAI. I'm designed to answer a wide range of questions on various topics.

I use machine learning algorithms to understand natural language and provide helpful responses to your queries.

My goal is to assist you in finding the information you need and to make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Feel free to ask me any question, and I'll do my best to provide a helpful answer!

Briefly, ChatGPT is an AI-powered virtual assistant developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022. It can help answer users’ questions and provide useful information on a variety of topics.

ChatGPT garnered attention and became popular for its detailed responses and articulate answers. For that reason, many individuals and businesses are using it to help them accomplish their tasks and boost their productivity.

1. Automate repetitive tasks

Classify customer feedback with ChatGPT

Automation is the use of machines or technology to perform repeated tasks that would be done manually by humains. It helps reduce the need for human labor and increase efficiency which means maximizing profits while minimizing expenses.

Businesses and also individuals can use ChatGPT to automate some processes like: answering customer questions, sending emails, data entry, appointment scheduling, data analysis, translation and much more.

You can ask ChatGPT to generate a python script or explore its API to build awesome automation tools if you are a developer.

2. Never forget again

ChatGPT can be a useful tool for storing and accessing information quickly. It can assist you in remembering and make it easier to recall data in the future.

If you’re a developer, you can extend this by building chatbots, knowledge management systems or integrate it with existing databases to provide more powerful and flexible data management solutions.

3. Summarize long content

As you know ChatGPT is designed to understand natural language and generate text based on the key points of the original content.

Generate blog post summary with ChatGPT

In this example, I asked ChatGPT to summarize the content of this blog post. The image above contains the generated summary. If you'd like to conclude at this point, you're welcome to do so. :)

This is useful for students to prepare for their exams, journalists to gather information quickly, or business professionals to summarize long reports, proposals, and other documents that can help them make informed decisions.

Overall anyone can use this feature to save a lot of time and increase their efficiency especially when dealing with large volumes of information.

4. Understand complex topics

Imagine you have a teacher who can provide you with answers and explanations to any question you may have at any time without getting bored, regardless of how complicated the topic may be.

With ChatGPT you have no excuse, whether you're a student looking to ace your exams or a professional seeking to stay on top of the latest trends in your industry.

The most important point is that you can follow up and ask for more details, examples and resources to clarify your understanding.

This interactivity with the tool provides the best learning experience that can help you achieve a deeper level of understanding and mastery of any topic.

5. Produce ideas

Have you ever faced the “blank page problem”, it’s a common phenomenon when writers or designers are struggling to come up with ideas or inspiration for their next project especially while brainstorming sessions.

Generate blog post ideas with ChatGPT

As demonstrated here, I used ChatGPT to generate new ideas for potential blog posts that I am possibly interested in writing. This will save a lot of effort & resources as ChatCPT can help you to select the best ideas and provide compelling arguments.

Due to its powerful language processing capabilities, ChatGPT offers a lot of benefits for artistic fields such as writing, design, music, architecture and more. It can generate high-quality ideas on a wide range of topics quickly in a reliable way.

6. Get instant advice & suggestions

If you’re struggling with problems or you’re feeling unsure about the next move in your life, and you need someone who can offer advice and suggestions, then ChatGPT can be useful for you to help you pass through these problems.

As we mentioned before, ChatGPT is a teacher who can answer your questions at any time without getting bored. You can consider it as an assistant who is always available to provide guidance and help you find solutions to your problems.

It’s important to keep in mind that ChatGPT is an AI language model, so it may not always provide the right suggestion for you. Therefore you must use your critical thinking skills when evaluating the advice and suggestions provided by ChatGPT.

7. Generate dummy data

Whether you're a software developer or anyone that works with data for testing purposes, generating dummy data can be a boring and monotonous task. In scenarios where you need to test data models, populate databases, or simply showcase the functionality of an application, manually filling datasets can become a time-consuming task. Fortunately, with the assistance of ChatGPT, you can streamline this process and make it more efficient.

Generate dummy products SQL

By providing ChatGPT with the specific requirements, such as the data structure, schema, and desired format (whether it's JSON, CSV, plain text, or any other format), you can leverage the power of artificial intelligence to simply generate the necessary dummy data.

This not only saves you valuable time but also ensures that the data aligns perfectly with your testing or demonstration needs.

8. Generate code snippets

The rise of AI tools has started a debate in the world of software development: will AI eventually take over the role of human programmers? Some think that AI might replace developers, while others see AI as a valuable tool to assist and enhance the work of developers.

No matter where you stand on this debate, you can not deny that AI tools, particularly ChatGPT, are helpful for generating pieces of code. These AI systems can quickly produce segments of code that match specific programming needs.

Calculate discount price JS function

In this example, I asked ChatGPT to provide a JavaScript function for calculating discounts in a shopping cart, and here's what I got as a result.

But it's essential to keep in mind that while AI can assist in code generation, it's up to you to review and piece together these snippets to build a complete and functional software application.

9. Catch bugs

I know how to fix that bug on line 255 meme

Just like AI can help you create code, it can also be a handy friend when you're trying to debug and fix problems in your code.

When you're faced with a complex piece of code or simply feeling exhausted and in need of some guidance, ChatGPT can come to your rescue. By providing ChatGPT with the context and the problematic code, you can expect insightful suggestions on where the bug might be. Not only that, but you can also inquire further to get potential fixes and explanations.

However, it's crucial to remember that AI is not perfect. It's a tool to augment your debugging capabilities, but its recommendations should always be tested and reviewed for accuracy. In this way, AI acts as a useful assistant, helping you streamline the debugging process and saving you both time and frustration.

10. Assist your writing

I admit that I rely on AI tools, especially ChatGPT, when creating content for this blog. They serve as indispensable resources, designed primarily to assist in information retrieval, content generation, and idea collection.

It's important to keep in mind that using ChatGPT isn't about copying and pasting content as it is. Instead, it's about exploiting its power to boost the creative process.

By taking advantage of these AI capabilities, writers can brainstorm ideas, rephrase contents, and get illustrative examples, enhancing the quality and efficiency of their work.

So, while ChatGPT is a useful tool of content creation, it's essential to maintain your unique voice and style to create original and engaging material.


In conclusion, ChatGPT is an AI tool that makes our work easier. It helps us with tasks like automation, coding and writing, saving us time and effort. However, it's crucial to remember that AI isn't perfect. We should always double-check what it suggests because it's here to support us, not replace us.

We should also be aware of privacy and ethics when using AI. So, while AI can be a fantastic assistant, it's up to us to make the final decisions and ensure we use it responsibly. In the end, AI helps, but our human judgment and creativity are still essential.