How to learn programming - Master the art of coding

How to learn programming - Master the art of coding

Posted on 01 Dec 20236 min read

Table of contents

Learning how to program is a valuable skill with a wide range of applications, even if you don't intend to pursue it as a full-time career. In today's digital age, programming is a universal key that can unlock a lot of doors in various fields, not just software engineering or computer science.

In this blog, we'll explore why programming matters and provide a roadmap to guide you through your learning journey. Let's get started ^_^.

Why learn programming?

Programming earns money and offers flexibility

Programming offers financial opportunities and flexibility. It's a high-paying field that grows with experience, allowing for remote and freelance work. But remember, success takes dedication and effort; it doesn't come easy.

Automation and digitalization are changing the world

The world is moving toward automation, and that means there's a growing need for programmers. If you have skills in areas like development, robotics, AI, data analysis, and machine learning, you'll be in high demand.

Programming improves your problem-solving skills

Coding is a great way to improve your problem-solving skills. It's all about finding solutions and creating effective code, which sharpens your logical thinking and brainpower.

Creating software can be a fun activity

Creating software can be fun, even when you make mistakes and spend time fixing them, reaching milestones, learning new things, finishing projects, and connecting with the programming community can be really satisfying and an enjoyable experience.

Getting started

To start your learning journey, you need to set a clear goal and select a specific field to begin with and progress from there. In this section, we'll explore some of the well known programming paths and the types of tasks associated with each helping you make an informed choice about the direction you'd like to take:

Web development

Web development

Involves designing and building web applications that you can access through your browser. It encompasses both front-end (user interface) and back-end (server-side) development.

Mobile app development

Mobile app development

Focuses on creating applications for mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, for platforms like iOS and Android.

Game development

Game development

Designing and building video games. It's a creative field where you create characters, environments, and rules that make a game fun and challenging.

General purpose scripting

General purpose scripting

Involves writing small programs (scripts) to automate tasks or perform specific functions. It's used in various fields like data analysis, system administration, and more.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing

Design, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure using cloud services providers to build and maintain scalable and reliable cloud-based systems.

Data science & Machine learning

Data science & Machine learning

Data science focuses on analyzing data to extract meaningful insights, while machine learning involves training computers (models) to make predictions or decisions based on data.

Before you choose a specific path, it's essential to research each field, investigate the prerequisites, the skills needed, and have a general overview of what you'll be learning.

Regardless of your choice, you need to learn some common basics that are like the foundation for specialized learning. We'll cover these foundational skills in the “General Roadmap” section to help you start your programming journey.

Learning Resources

There are two main ways to learn programming: enrolling in a college program or pursuing self-study. Regardless of your choice, both require dedicated commitment and consistent practice.

Learn programming in college

One way to learn programming is by enrolling in a college program, like computer science or software engineering, and start learning for more than 4 or 5 years to graduate as a software engineer or in a related field based on your specialization.

During your college journey, you'll encounter a wide range of courses, including mathematics, networking, database management, operating systems, electrical circuits, and other theoretical subjects that might not align with your interests.

Getting a college degree has many benefits:

  • It gives you deep knowledge and critical thinking skills in your chosen field.
  • College helps you build valuable networks with professors and peers, which can lead to mentorship and useful connections.
  • Having a degree often means more income and job stability in the long run.
  • It teaches you essential skills like discipline and time management, which can be handy in various aspects of life.

Overall, a college degree equips you to succeed in a competitive job market and make a real impact in your chosen career.

However, not everyone interested in learning programming can pursue a college education, whether due to financial constraints, academic eligibility, or a desire for more independent learning. In such cases, we can take the advantage of the internet and the abundance of online resources.

Learn programming online

With the access to internet, we have the opportunity to learn a wide range of subjects, including programming, through various resources, which include:

  • Online courses & certifications: a popular way to learn a wide range of subjects. They provide structured materials through videos, assignments, and tests.
  • Bootcamps: short and intense training programs, aiming to teach practical skills in specific fields. They're hands-on and focused on real-world applications.
  • Books & blogs: useful for those wanting to learn more about programming. Books provide detailed info for all skill levels, while blogs offer practical tips and insights from experts, keeping you informed and inspired.
  • Practice online: online coding platforms have a range of challenges, from easy to complex, creating a supportive place to learn, make mistakes, and get better. It's important to note that online learning requires a significant amount of discipline and commitment because it's easy to procrastinate or become bored when faced with challenging and complex concepts.



CS50 : a popular introductory computer science course from Harvard University, covering programming and computer science principles. It's accessible online for learners worldwide.


FreeCodeCamp : a nonprofit organization that offers a comprehensive curriculum for web development and programming. It provides free, hands-on coding challenges and projects, making it an excellent resource for self-learners and aspiring web developers.


W3Schools : a popular online resource for learning web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It has tutorials, examples, and coding exercises for multiple programming languages and web technologies, making it a valuable learning tool.


Programiz : an online platform that provides tutorials and practice exercises for different programming languages like Python, C, and Java. It's a helpful resource for people who want to get better at coding or learn new languages.

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) : a web resource for developers. It offers detailed documentation and tutorials for web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it a valuable source for those looking for in-depth guidance in web development.


Hackerrank : an online platform where you can practice coding and problem solving through challenges and competitions. It's a valuable resource for improving your programming and algorithmic skills.


LeetCode : an online platform for practicing coding and improving problem solving skills, especially for technical interviews. It's a valuable resource for those preparing for coding interviews and improving their coding abilities.


ChatGPT : an AI-powered language model designed to understand and respond to natural language queries and prompts. It can help you learn programming by answering your questions, explaining things, and giving you examples and exercises.

Those are just a small portion of the online resources available to us. In addition to that we have other platforms like YouTube, Coursera, and Udemy where we can explore more resources and search for specific topics.

General roadmap

As mentioned in the “Getting Started” section, it's important to get the basics down before you start focusing on specific areas.

This chapter will give you a roadmap to step into the world of programming through its main doors:

General roadmap to learn programming
  • Master the Basics: Start by learning the fundamentals of programming through a language like Python, Java, C, or JavaScript. Key concepts include understanding variables, input/output, working with arrays, creating functions, and using control structures. It's like learning the ABCs of programming.
  • Understand Data and Algorithms: Next, explore data structures to store and retrieve information efficiently (linked list, hashmap, tree, graph, etc.) and algorithms to know how to solve problems in an efficient way.
  • Get Object-Oriented: Move on to object-oriented programming (OOP), which is a way to organize your code by creating objects that interact with each other.
  • Master Version Control: Learn version control using Git and GitHub to keep a history of your code changes and collaborating with other developers in the team.
  • Command Line Mastery: Familiarize yourself with the command line, which is a text-based way to control your computer. You can perform tasks like moving files and running programs without using a graphical interface.
  • Coding Style and Debugging: Understand coding styles and best practices to make your code clean, readable, and maintainable. Debugging means finding and fixing issues or bugs in the code.

You can start a specific path after you learn the fundamentals of programming explained in the first point, but keep in mind that these topics are essential for a successful career in programming, no matter which path you choose.

Advices & Best practices

In this part, I'll share some advice with you, including tips I wish I knew when I started my programming journey a few years back. tips can make your journey into programming easier and more enjoyable, especially if you're new to it:

  • Practice makes perfect: Coding is a skill that improves with practice. Try to write code daily, even if it's just small projects or exercises.
  • Join programming communities: Joining these communities allows you to connect with experienced programmers, learn from their experiences, and share your knowledge.
  • Don’t fear errors: Mistakes and errors are normal in coding. They help you learn and become more experienced and proficient.
  • Target a goal: Setting specific goals gives your learning direction and motivation.
  • Ask for help: Don't hesitate to seek assistance from experienced programmers or online communities when you encounter challenges.
  • Take breaks: Short breaks during coding maintain your focus and prevent burnout, keeping your mind fresh.
  • Stay patient: Learning to code can be challenging, but with patience and continued effort, you'll progress and achieve your goals.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need math to learn programming?

You don't need advanced math like calculus. Basic math, such as arithmetic and algebra, is often enough.

Some areas, like data science and game development, may require more math, but many programming tasks can be done without extensive math knowledge.

Can I learn from my phone?

Yes, you can start learning programming on your phone. Many coding apps, interactive tutorials, and online courses are mobile-friendly. While a computer is preferred for more complex projects.

Programming laptop specs?

You don't need a high-end computer for programming. A standard laptop or desktop with reasonable processing power and memory is usually sufficient. Any modern computer should be capable of running coding software and development tools effectively.

Is it too late to start learning programming?

It's never too late to start learning programming. People of all ages, from children to seniors, can become programmers. The technology industry values diverse experiences, and you can start your programming journey whenever you're ready.

How long does it take to learn programming?

Learning the basics of programming can take a few months, depending on how much time you dedicate to it. However, becoming proficient and mastering specific areas can take several years of consistent learning, practice, and project work. The exact duration varies based on your goals and commitment.


In summary, learning to program is an exciting journey that unlocks many doors and opportunities. You can start with the basics and expand your skills using available resources online.

It's essential to understand that this path requires commitment and effort to succeed. Just like achieving any goal, your dedication to learning and practicing programming will lead to a world of exciting possibilities.

If you have any questions or need further clarifications, please feel free to get in touch with me. I'm here to help and support your journey in any way I can ^_^.