
Serverless Chatbot App

This project is a simple chatbot application created by AWS serverless architecture, React.js, and the OpenAI API. The chatbot is designed to have interactive conversations with users.


  • User Authentication: Amazon Cognito ensures secure access for authorized users, enhancing the application's security.
  • Serverless Design: Leveraging AWS API Gateway and Lambda functions enables efficient scaling and cost-effective operation.
  • Chatbot rooms: Users can create and manage chat rooms to organize conversations effectively.
  • Persistent Conversations: DynamoDB is used to store chat-related data, ensuring that conversations persist for future reference and context.
  • Response Rating: Users have the ability to rate the chatbot's responses, providing valuable feedback for enhancing its performance and interaction quality.


The pipeline

In this project's architecture, Amazon Cognito is employed for user authentication, ensuring secure access for authorized users. The React.js frontend is hosted on Amazon S3.

The heart of the chatbot's functionality is formed by AWS API Gateway and Lambda functions. This serverless design allows for efficient scaling and cost-effective operation.

Additionally, DynamoDB serves as the storage solution for chat-related data, ensuring that conversations persist for reference and context.


Thank you for reaching the end of this description. If you have any questions, or suggestions, or need help feel free to contact me.

Have a nice day ^_^